IFRS Consultant

LuxembourgIAuditing, Buchhaltung

Funktionsbeschreibung Your missions are the following :
  • Diverse Project Involvement: engage in a variety of IFRS Advisory projects;
  • Client Advisory Excellence: guide clients through first-time IFRS adoptions and complex accounting issues;
  • Technical Expertise: prepare detailed memos on IFRS accounting questions;
  • Financial Statement Preparation: contribute to the creation of statutory and consolidated financial statements under IFRS;
  • Internal Expertise: serve as the go-to expert for technical IFRS questions across the organization.
Profil You are the ideal candidate if you possess:
  • Master's Degree in Finance or Accounting;
  • 2+ years of IFRS advisory or financial statement prep experience;
  • Strong analytical and detail-oriented skills;
  • Excellent communication and teamwork abilities;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and client interaction;
  • Fluent in English; additional languages are a plus.
Organisations- und Abteilungsbeschreibung Seize the opportunity to become an IFRS Consultant at one of Luxembourg's elite firms, renowned for its expertise and extensive resources. This is your chance to join a prestigious team and make a significant impact in the industry.Angebot Join a globally renowned organization for a dynamic, multicultural environment with extensive training opportunities.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Ihre Bewerbung eine gültige luxemburgische Arbeitserlaubnis erforderlich ist. Bewerber ohne diese Unterlagen können nicht berücksichtigt werden. Wenn Sie diese Anforderung nicht erfüllen, müssen wir Ihnen leider mitteilen, dass wir Ihre Bewerbung nicht bearbeiten können.
Haben Sie noch Fragen?
Killian Glendon COUNTRY MANAGER LUXEMBOURG +352 20 30 13 14
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Bankwesen & Finanzdienstleistungen I Finanzverwaltung & Audit
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